Diesel Fuel Tests & Methods

Test Method
Basic Coolant ASTM D6210-D1287-D2982
Basic Oil Basic Oil
API Gravity ASTM D1298
Appearance ASTM D4176
Ash ASTM D482
Asphaltene HL-110
Bio-Blend ASTM D7371
Water & Sediment ASTM D2709
Carbon Residue ASTM D4530 Diesel
Cetane Index ASTM D976
Cetane Number ASTM D613
Cloud Point ASTM D2500
Color ASTM D1500
Conductivity ASTM D2624/D4308
Corrosion Copper Strip ASTM D130
Distillation 90% recovery ASTM D86
Filter Patch FOB1853
Flash Point ASTM D93
HFRR Lubricity @ 60°C ASTM D6079
ICP Metals includes 24 wear metals HL-1158
Microbial Growth ASTM D6469
Particle Count ISO 11500-4406
Particulate Contamination ASTM D6217
Pour Point ASTM D5950
Stability/Accelerated Aging Du Pont F21-61
Sugar Test HL-1124
Sulfur ASTM D5453
Thermal Stability ASTM D6468
Water, Suspended KF ASTM D6304
FOI LABS Fuel test for testing diesel fuel and gasoline, with the option for lab test and fuel analysis

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