Gasoline Testing & Analysis
FOI Laboratories Provides full service Gasoline Testing & Analysis. Gasoline testing includes ASTM, IP, EN, blended gasoline, regulatory specifications ,pipeline specifications, (CARB, EPA, EU) & more. Our Gasoline Analysis can detect whether you have Microbes, water or any other potential harmful mixes in your fuel tank.
Field testing Kit
FOI Laboratory is proud to introduce a new product to the industry. Our self test fuel testing Kits. This product can be used for the detection of suspended and separated free water in diesel, biodiesel, biodiesel blends, off-road fuel, jet fuel and kerosene. It can also be used for the detection of Microbial Growth in, Biodiesel, Diesel, Fuel Blends, Jet Fuel, Heating Oil, and Kerosene.
Gasoline testing capabilities:
- Fuel purity and quality
- Fuel contamination
- Fuel quality failure investigation
- Fuel additives
- Fuel pipeline trans-mix fuels and co-mingled fuels
- Physical properties testing
- Energy value
- Trace components, trace contaminants
- Fuel Research
- Fuel safety and regulatory parameters
- Bacteria in fuel tanks and systems