When backup power is your lifeline, every second counts. A recent incident in 2022 at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) in Northern California underscored the urgency of reliable backup systems when their generators failed during a historic heat wave, leaving parts of the hospital without power for hours. While swift emergency actions prevented loss of life, the incident highlights the chaos that can arise from overlooked mission-critical fuel quality.

The quality of backup fuel is critical to ensuring power reliability. With nearly 30% of fuel supplies failing quality standards, hospitals and other facilities that rely on emergency generators cannot afford the chaos of fuel contamination, degradation, or water intrusion. This is where AI-supported LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) by Foilab.com makes a life-saving difference.

The LIMS system, designed to bring order to mission-critical fuel quality management, provides regular fuel testing and detailed analysis, ensuring fuel is ready when emergencies strike. Proactive LIMS testing detects and prevents contamination, allowing for rapid corrective action before fuel quality issues compromise life safety.

Had SCVMC utilized AI-driven LIMS testing, they could have cleared the chaos from their emergency preparedness plan, proactively identifying fuel quality risks and preventing the failure of their backup systems. By managing fuel quality effectively, the hospital could have ensured seamless power supply to their mission-critical operations during the heatwave.

FOI Laboratorie’s LIMS doesn’t just meet compliance standards like NFPA 110 and ASTM D975; it actively improves life safety by providing a clear, AI-supported path to managing fuel quality. When reliable power is non-negotiable, LIMS testing is your shield against unexpected failure and life-threatening situations.

Discover how AI-supported LIMS can protect your life-saving operations: Click here for more information on how FOI serves Healthcare Facilities.