Is your fuel a fail point in emergency planning?
Bad fuel is often times the cause of failure in emergency planning scenarios. It’s important to make sure that fuel testing is part any regular maintenance program that you implement. Being ill prepared can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. For example, recent power outages on the eastern sea board resulted in the loss of millions of dollars in products for many businesses. The National Fire Protection Agency has gone to great lengths to communicate and recommend testing procedures to help prevent and mitigate against losses in the event of an emergency. NFPA 110 outlines fuel testing protocols that apply to fuel sources your using for fueling stations and back up generators.
Identify & Eliminate Potential Critical Engine Killers
Step 1 – ID Engine Killers with Fuel Quality Screening
Diesel fuel quality and chemistry continuously degrades by transportation, storage, oxidation, and by water & microbial contamination. Even when fuel is still clear and bright, microscopic fuel components can collect and quickly form into larger contamination masses. Our Fuel Quality Screening Package will uncover these potential engine killers and identify each property that YOUR company can remediate.
Step 2 – Restore Fuel Specifications with Fuel Remediation Services
Once engine killers have been identified, fuel remediation technologies can be used to restore quality fuel by filtration to remove particulates (e.g. dirt & sludge), separation of water content, and use of biocides to control microbial activity, which can contribute to more rapid formation of solids.
Step 3 – Proof Positive with Mission Critical Diagnostic Package
After Fuel remediation services have been completed, final follow-up with our Mission Critical Diagnostic Package will provide “proof positive” results to validate and confirm the effectiveness of fuel remediation services. All test results are presented in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand report.